Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Alhamdulillah..thank you Allah, i'm still alive and healthy today. Hope all of you in healthy too :D
Today I want to share with you about what i had learnt in chapter the nature of strategic management :)
but wait !! before that, I want highlight first the objectives for this chapter ! before I study, I always try to understanding first what I will learn. 

strategic management means the art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its objectives.
In simple words, the benefit of strategic management has been to help organizations formulate better strategies through the use of a more systematic, logical, and rational approach to strategic choice. I think that's all from me. I'm sleepy now and I don't know what I talking about. haha...see u in next entry ! 
cheers ! :D


assalamualaikum. hye everyone ! I hope  you're feeling well and everything is fine. For this entry, I would like to share with you about vision and mission :) first of all, I would like to explain what the meanings of vision and mission. For your information, vision is an inspirational description of what an organization would like to achieve or accomplish in the mid-term or long-term future whereas mission means a written declaration of an organization's core purpose and focus that normally remains unchanged over time. So, I pretty sure that all of us have vision and mission. 

In tutorial class, Madam Huda asked us to write our vision and mission and submit it to her. In future, InsyaAllah I would like to be a lecturer, not just a lecturer only,but a successful lecturer ! wow ! I can feel it now because I like to dream,dream and dream. hehe.. okay that's all from me for this entry.see you in next entry :D